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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Art Is My Therapy!

The most important thing you can do when you're feeling so heavy, stress, worries, sadness and anger by almost anything in your everyday life is to find some kind outlet to pour out all your heartaches. There are many forms of letting all your fears drift away. One of these is art therapy.

Art therapy is about self-healing through the transformation of negative vibes through self-expression in painting and or other artful forms. This type of therapy is what I use to ignite both the creation of my art and the healing of my emotions. This helps me release all the negative thoughts through painting and honestly has been my only way to heal.

As you view my paintings they reflect how I felt at the moment of creation; its my way of expressing ways I can’t find words. Most can easily identify my feelings on a certain works by viewing my paintings.

Art therapy can help many understand the meaning of life and how we must handle it. It somehow shows the inner you, your artistic sense, your personality and character and your general outlook in life. The art that you have produced is the symbolism of the real you as a whole.

I am a self-healer while expressing all my hidden thoughts and desires. It is here that I can pour out my worries, opinions and undertakings. Painting for me is a form of art that has enhanced my personal growth and help me to pursue the life the way I have chosen. It is also a form that helped me appreciate myself and has given me a certain confidence within myself.

With this said it is also important to have someone to support you. The human touch can integrate with one's growth and development. "No (wo)man is an island" as the popular saying goes. I can connect with others through my paintings and their meanings.

For me, art therapy is has been very beneficial in my desires to change the way my life runs. The life YOU want can be achieved depending on how you look at it. It solely depends on how you tackle your life. It is a matter of choices you make.

I am proud to be the executive producer of KaDa Films. I encourage you to visit our web site and participate in our Silent Art Auction on April 18th thru April 25th and help us develop our independent film about love, art, and healing.

Posted via email from Kay Kelison's Digital-Log

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