I am finding recruiters, including myself talking about the quality of social/mobile recruiting that is starting to look more like “self promoting” and “abusing the freedom of expression”. Don’t get me wrong, I truly believe in sharing and freedom of speech. But why does this come with a price of wanting to be the popular one?
The other day I was chatting with someone and they shared with me and I quote “I want to be popular like you” (me). I was thrown by that statement, which prompts this blog post J. I wasn’t really excited to hear this, because I believe that anyone can (and should) be heard.
Most recruiters, from many conversations I have had, say that it is popularity that gets you heard; seriously folks are we still in high school? For a very long time, I too felt that I didn’t have anything to share, or anyone really cared about what I have to say. I mean who am I? A nobody? However, that all changed when I had the opportunity to speak at SourceCon 2008, (thank you - Leslie O’Connor for believing in me,) and I was given a platform to present what I was passionate about; with this opportunity I found my voice!
This helped me to realize that we all have voices in this industry and that we need to start speaking up!
The real problem with popularity-driven people is not the existence of their popularity; it’s the lack of examination and evaluation of the fuzzy lines between perspective and truth. The real problem with popularity-driven people is that they reduce both the breadth and depth of the sources, topics and viewpoints being expressed across our communities. Popularity-driven people water down the value to those who are trying to find their own voices. These voices need to be heard and to be encouraged to develop new findings and new ideas that can grow within our industry. We shouldn’t have to feel that we need to be popular to be heard!
As social media becomes integrated into our world of staffing, it enforces that now is the time to build a level of karma high enough to break through the controlling moderator hierarchy that somehow has been growing for too long in the our world of recruiting. Social Media removes many of the layers we feel to be popular and gives an individual an opportunity to grow, and, contribute their voice in recruiting.
What have I done? I can l only speak for myself, I have used most of the popularity-driven people as mentors and found my own voice without feeling the need to be popular to be heard! Amazing self empowerment realization came to me; that I do have value to add to the recruiting industry, and which brought rewards in finding and surrounding myself with like minded folks who wish to continue to give back.
Your focus should be on what you can give back to the community that you want to build, and recognizing that in doing so you will gain the popularity you seek, and in return feel proud, and valid!
Rather than broadcast to a few “popular people” that you think matters and to make you popular, you should be broadcasting to your peers that share your ideas; and social media should be used to help YOU help other people to discover fresh, new, voices and find what matters and NOT worrying about being popular!