My Store: CKDK Apparel

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Cool Way to Communicate Online!

Seesmic is a place to communicate and connect online through video conversation.  It’s so easy, fun and creative. All you have to do is record a video directly from Seesmic, via mobile phones, from your computer or even upload an existing video to start a conversation. It is as easy as that! ROCK ON Seesmic!

Posted via email from Kay Kelison's Digital-Log

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

10 Reasons Why To Use Your Real Name On Twitter

If you search the Twitter world you will find Tweeps with huge amounts of different Twitter (handles) @names; many which are totally unrelated to the Tweeter’s real name.  No matter whether your Twitter account is a business account, personal account or brand account; you should definitely use your real name, real business name or real brand name as your Twitter @name. This will give you validation and value to fellow tweeters.

10    Reasons Why You Should Use Your Real Name On Twitter

1.     It will be simple and easy to locate you in the “Find People” search tool on Twitter homepage;       Remember - Keep It Simple.

2.     Similar to the boom, you don’t want to miss the squatters right to your entitled property; meaning you’re entitled Twitter name.

3.     You don’t want to be like a friend of mine whose name was secured by a stripper w/ the same name.

4.     Twitter is becoming a totally mainstream and a household name; you want to make sure your real name is part of the Twousehold.

5.     No one really understands people’s cool names like: @mrbigshotguru  @vampirefangs  @housewifeofOC  @itweetamunch  @Sexymama…

6.     If someone is trying to follow your business’ tweets and you have some obscure name, you’ll miss an opportunity to have a virally connected customer and quality conversations.

7.     It’s easier for people to retweet you, mention you and make reference to connecting with you.

8.     You don’t want to find yourself saying coulda, shoulda, woulda… but you never dida!

9.     The President of The United States @BarackObama uses his real name!

10.  It’s practical and it just makes good Twense!

The bottom line is that you are missing out on a great opportunity to stay ahead of the Twurve by securing your real name.  If your Twitter username is already taken, try securing your name with an underscore between your first and last name, or some combination of your real name. Something to think about when learning this awesome communication tool, as you build your followers, you’re gonna what people to remember your @name, @brand, etc.

Cheers –

Kay Kelison

Posted via email from Kay Kelison's Digital-Log

Monday, April 13, 2009

How to use Twitter to Recruit

How to use Twitter to Recruit

As Twitter grows faster the speed of light, companies, recruiters and business owners are discovering new and useful business functions for the micro-blogging world. Massive layoffs across several sectors have increased the number of job hunters. Despite this numerical increase, however, the recruiter’s job hasn't become any easier.

Quite the opposite J

Recruiter’s note that very few of the résumés that inundate their Inboxes these days are from qualified candidates. Twitter is a tool that helps recruiters quickly identify the right talent; using social media tools, such as Twitter, for recruitment may no longer be an optional extra. Businesses may have to do it just to stay in the game. Job boards are a good way to source active candidates, however social media provides a new way to engage with potential employees – and it's free. For starters, recruiters should work on building a brand-related Twitter profile. "Follow key players in your industry, who are interested in your company's news."

A Sweet-Tweet way to begin

Start Tweeting about your company and who you are, but not just as a recruiter, but someone who gets the micro-blogging. Then, slowly aggregate followers in your industry interested in what your company has to say The only successful way to use Twitter is to allow your profile to build up over time – you have to be an active Tweeter and update your profile continuously and to use it as a teaching tool as well show a part of humor as well. There are currently 7 million users on Twitter and that number is growing daily.

By sharing company news – such as new products or industry best practices (sharing knowledge) – you will naturally make both passive and active candidates aware of reasons why they might like to work at your company. Use Twitter to market your brand to potential candidates why? You may ask, well Brand is communicated through the messages you broadcast, right? Everyone on your "followers" list had opted to be there, so anything you post about jobs is seen by active, social people in your industry who may directly respond or share that message with other well-connected users.

Many Tweeters are actively engaged in the micro-blogging forum and aren't afraid to 'retweet' or 'RT' an important message on their own page – if they feel their followers may benefit; which is an awesome tool to incorporate in. The only drawback to the Twitter strategy is it is a long process, this is in a social atmosphere!. You will need to find the time to develop your online brand, identify followers and understand how to integrate Twitter in your social media marketing mix. The process can be overwhelming and placing a skilled person in charge of the company's Twitter account can be a useful way to manage messages and relationships with followers.

TOP Tweets/Tweeters

By building an online profile and reaching out to users with similar Tweets, a company or recruitment can easily pinpoint other Tweeters with similar interests and goals. An established brand online helps you pull in passive candidates Everyone is looking for a job – even if they're not actively looking then Twitter helps companies perform data mining, initiate a dialogue and contact candidates in a less intimidating way than cold calling and it creates the trust between the two parties. Recruiters should not only consider people who follow them, but should also use free sourcing tools, which search key words to find new people. The micro-blog allows recruiters to literally view on potential candidates and find out if they are who they say they are care about the industry.

Despite the search advantages of Twitter, many recruiters still prefer to look through résumés that find their way to their desk or come in through the companies ATS. That's mainly because recruiters believe, wrongly, that social media is a more time consuming social tool. While searching for people in your industry and doing additional research on the person with LinkedIn, blogging or Facebook (yes, even Facebook), may take a bit of extra work, response times on Twitter are usually much faster due to “what are you doing right now and OR the instant direct messaging.

Twitter on its own is usually not enough to find out about a candidate – but it's a great place to start and create the conversation. Just like the LinkedIn there are Tweeters who use the forum to gain hits on their Web pages, and who follow thousands of people regardless of industry or interests. Is this useful? To some yes and to others no, however think of this: When someone follows you, it takes a few minutes to check out three things to find out if they're worth researching further: their profile, their tweets and their URL. These three indicators should tell you a lot about a person and whether or not you want to follow them.

For instance, if the URL goes to a black hole or a cookbook blog, they're not worth following, unless you are looking for a good recipe J In general, Tweeters are usually savvier than folk on other Web 2.0 apps. As Twitter is a fairly young application, you know they're up on technology and actively engaged in dialogues about your industry.

Tweeting about YOUR job postings

The flip side to actively searching for candidates is to also tweet about job opportunities at your company, which will have many users finding you through keyword searches. You can also use a new Twitter application called Tweet –A-Job pretty cool. Twitter is a smaller arena for job hunters to search through and a free tool for companies to take advantage of. And many find it more appealing to respond to a Twitter job posting, rather than a job board because it allows users to associate the posting with a real face and get to know the recruiter. Twitter puts the humanity back into recruiting.

There are currently hundreds of recruiters already on Twitter so it is important to add a categorization, such as "Marketing" or "IT" to your profile name or bio to make sure the right types of job-seekers are finding your profile and job postings. WARNING…I am totally against posting only job information. Businesses need to develop their online identity by posting about you, news, or employee promotions so candidates get a holistic view of the company. Get creative with Twitter. Why not post a link to a YouTube video with a employee testimonial It is also a great tool to stay in touch and continue to grow your relationship with company alumni and keep them up to date on news. When the economy picks up – you may want these people back."

Posted via email from Kay Kelison's Digital-Log

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


The HRUndercover initiative was launched in 2009 by Suzanne Elshult and Shan Koenig, both seasoned human resources executives who are brilliant masterminds in creating this blog. A blog that collects candid stories from HR professionals in the workplace and then stories are submitted anonymously in a secured area of this site, and to date, cover the spectrum from greed, envy, and lust to stories of heart and social responsibility….


This is one of the most original HR blogs out there and best piece! It’s turning HR which usually all about rules and policies, but giving back the “Human” part back into “ Human Resources. We are all need a place to express, improve, laugh, learn, and GOD a place to vent.

Why participate? Well why not? Come on …. you know you want too….. no one will ever know J


1.       It feels so good to get it off your chest, without compromising confidentiality. It’s cathartic, really!

2.       We know HR people sometimes have to deal with situations more checkered than a red and   white table cloth, and some just as tacky. Ahh, but those situations do make HR work more interesting - don’t you think?

3.       We also know there are people out there making a real difference for the good. We love hearing those stories. They represent hope for the future.

4.       Become a part of a better future workplace by being a part of a community that is committed to learning from the past and propelling positive change. Yes we can.

***Note – when you submit a story, you remain anonymous. While we want true stories, we do not want real names of companies or people or any information that would compromise the anonymity of those involved.




Posted via email from Kay Kelison's Digital-Log

Sunday, April 5, 2009


“I Didn’t Give It My Personal Touch” -yellow

Personalize your profiles on all your Social Networks, it really for your followers who can get a glimpse of your tastes by viewing your profile! It’s VITAL to builds trust, loyalty and engagement with your followers.

* Upload your picture

* Say something about you in one line bio (160 or less)

* Update your location, time zone

* Link your about page to a “more info” url or if you have a TWIITTER

Use custom background if you are not good with designing consider using one of this services Twitterbacks <> , Twitbacks <> , or TwitterImage <>

“Why Leverage My Other Social Networking Profiles”-yellow

If you have other social profiles like LinkedIn, MySpace or Facebook, use it to promote your Twitter profile, add it to your email and forum signature, if you do have blog link to your Twitter from about and contact page, add your Twitter link in your subscriber widget.

“I Follow Big-shots on Twitter Only”-yellow

Your success on Twitter depends on whom you follow, don’t look for quantities insist for quality, don’t follow people based on their follower counts, follow insightful and interesting people for significant conversations. If you can’t determine whom to follow use Twitter suggestion services like service like Mr. Tweet.

“I ONLY Tweet of Who I AM” - yellow

If you want to be Pro Twitter, maintain good balance between recommending content others have written and promoting your own posts. Don’t be self obsessed, add value to your network of twitter, and make someone famous.

“I Never Reciprocate”-yellow

Follow everyone that follows you, having more followers adds to the community and the discussion, join the conversation, And it’s polite to follow back. Answer questions, discuss heated topics, reply to interesting tweets from your followers, or people you follow, send a thank you note if someone send you something unique and useful.

“I Don’t Want To Annoy My Followers” -yellow

Don’t be a bot. Give your tweets a human touch, don’t use automated direct messages created by the software. Don’t overwhelm your followers with hundreds of useless tweets, don’t just promote your products, services or retweet links in which you are mentioned.

Using Twitter as effective marketing tool is challenging, but it’s rewarding beyond your imagination, use it well and use it often.

Posted via email from Kay Kelison's Digital-Log

Friday, April 3, 2009

Searching On Twitter And Advanced

There is an undeniable need to search, filter, and otherwise interact with the volumes of news and information being transmitted to Twitter every second. Twitter Search helps you filter all the real-time information.

Courtesy of Twitter

Advanced Search

Courtesy of Twitter

Actually, Twitter advanced search feature is really unique and should not be taken lightly. Among pretty traditional options (exact match, language based, etc), there are quite innovative parameters: search by emotional coloring or sentence semantic structure.

Let’s overview briefly what we can do with Twitter search:

Courtesy of Twitter

You can type these search operators directly into the search box. (Alternatively, you can use the advanced search form to automatically construct your query above.)


Courtesy of Twitter

Free Twitter Alerts by Email!

If you love Twitter, you'll love TweetBeep! Keep track of conversations that mention you, your products, your company, anything, with hourly updates! You can even keep track of who's tweeting your website or blog, even if they use a shortened URL (like Now, how cool is that?!

Great for online reputation management, catching all your @replies, finding job/networking opportunities, keeping up on your favorite hobby, and more!




Posted via email from Kay Kelison's Digital-Log